Failure to Launch

Failure to Launch

user avatar image for Iron Circus Comics
Iron Circus Comics
3 months ago

Project Update: Wanna see some advance copies?

Hey again, folks! Spike here, with a fun preview.

As Failure to Launch finishes up with the proofreader and preps for presses, we're currently sending out ARCs (advance reader copies) to literary journals, journalists, and review blogs! This is us attempting to score our latest anthology some friendly buzz before it hits the bookstore shelves (and backer mailboxes!).

And just look at how THICC this boy is!

This is a BIG ONE, folks. Maybe our biggest? Maybe not? But certainly our largest in awhile!

Anyway, thought you might appreciate a sneak-peek behind the scenes, here! Everything is still on track, and the hard copies of Failure to launch remain in production. We'll keep you informed!

And remember, you can complete your Backerkit survey for Failure to Launch right now! Over 170 of you have yet to do so! Click here!

Thanks again, everybody! Talk to you soon!





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